One-of-a-kind Special

God showed up as I worshipped Him! I was singing this chorus, “There is none like You. No one else can touch my heart like You do. I could search for all eternity long and find, there is none like You.”

rhondafireplacecropjpgSuddenly,  I was not singing alone. There was Someone singing with me. I could “hear” HIM SINGING not with my ears but in my heart.

Then I stopped singing. I became quiet and still in His presence and just listened to His love song, “Rhonda, there is none like you. No one touches My heart like you do.  I could search for all eternity long and find, there is none like you.”

Can you imagine?! WOW, the power of God’s love!!!

Yet, the most awesome thing about my experience is–His love song words are true– true about me, and you, and our precious children and grandchildren!

The world shouts out the lies of the enemy telling our sons and daughters, our grandsons and granddaughters:

“You are just a number.

You evolved from an ape.

You are an accident.

You are not important.

There is no grand plan for you.

You are replaceable.”

Parents and grandparents, let us drown out the lies of the enemy with the truth of God’s Word! It is vitally important that today’s generation has a foundation of what God says about WHO THEY ARE!







It’s not like one specific day I said Rex and Luke this is what God’s Word says.  No, it happened in real life, in real time, as Rex and Luke were growing up…and I still “do it” to this day. It happens as God opens doors for me to share His Word. It happens as God, by His mercy and grace, helps me live His Word, show His Word in everyday life.

Following are examples of God’s Truths that need to resonate in our very being so that we can pass them on to our children and grandchildren.

Let us drown out the lies of the enemy with the truth of God’s Word. Holy Spirit help us be sensitive to opportunities You make for us to share the God Truths with those You bring into our lives–especially our loved ones.

Rex and Luke, you are gifts from the Lord to me (Psalm 127:3).

God made each of you one-of-a-kind special, and you two are one-of-a-kind special to me (Psalm 139).

Everything about you is unique, God-designed, and even though you are both my sons you are both so different and unique. In fact, no two people on earth are exactly alike (Psalm 139).

You are precious to God, and you are precious to me (Isaiah 43:4).

God loves you with an everlasting love, and I have loved you from the moment I knew I was pregnant with you (Jeremiah 31:3).

God has good plans for your lives, and I’m excited as I watch His plans unfold–since you were little boys (Jeremiah 29:11).

These examples above are a good start; the Word of God is full of so many more God Truths to share with our loved ones.

In addition to speaking God’s Words of Truth to our children, we can pray God’s Words of Truth for our children.  I call these “Scripture Prayers”.

PreciousInHisSightCalJuly2018Click on the  July 2018 Precious in HIS Sight Calendar, it opens BIGGER in a new window so you can read the verses easily. Look up the verse for the day and turn it into a prayer.

Each month I emphasize the importance of praying for our children. The Calendar has helped me, and many other people, faithfully pray for our loved ones day-after-day, month-after-month, year-after year. I print my Calendar and keep it with my Bible. Feel free to print the Calendar, too.

Let’s pray for our “gifts” from God and be encouraged by James 5:16b,  “The prayer of a righteous person (Dad or Mom) is powerful and effective.” THANK YOU, ABBA FATHER!

Yes, our prayers are powerful!!!  BTW, precious parent, there is no one in all the world like you. YOU ARE ONE-OF-A-KIND PRETTY SPECIAL!

Published by

Gary Barrett

President and Founder of Deaf Ministries Worldwide

4 thoughts on “One-of-a-kind Special

  1. Wow! Beautiful song between you and God! How precious! Great inspiration I have ever seen especially your sons. Pictures are truly beautiful and inspiring! God is so good to you and to your family!

    1. Dear Dorothy, It was a blessing to read your comment. The Lord is good all the time…and all the time the Lord is good. He is always with us and wants to have a relationship with us…as you already know and as you already have a deep, abiding relationship with Jesus. Prayers for you and Tony…may the God of all hope fill you with hope and joy and be your strength day by days. Grace and peace!

  2. Wow, what a powerful words of life, to speak everyday. All thsy you’ve said, is very true! Thanks so much, for such a uplifting encouragement, to continually pray for our precious gift from God! Our children, n grandchildren!!!’

    1. Precious Yamile, AMEN! Isn’t it a joy and privilege to pray for our “GIFTS” from God and also speak words of life to them.every.chance.we.get! Great to read your comment; you always encourage me in the Lord. God sure has been faithful to us and our families. Praise Jesus forever!

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