Everything is going to be Alright

Do you feel like you wish someone would put their arm around you and tell you that everything will be alright?  Let me encourage you, God knows what you’re going through and everything is going to be alright. I know this because the Bible tells me so.  I also know this because after 30 years of serving God, He has never failed me—ever, even though things didn’t always turn out the way I thought or imagined, God has been faithful always!

It can be really hard to believe everything will be alright when you’re going through hard times. The economic crisis our country is in—has been devastating to millions of people.  This summer there were raging wild fires in numerous states due to hot temperatures and no rain.  We’ve witnessed the destruction caused by deadly tornadoes, hurricanes and severe flooding.  As a result, thousands of people across the US (and worldwide) lost their homes and all of their possessions.  It’s heart-wrenching to see people on TV as they went through the ruble looking for anything that they could salvage.  My heart truly goes out to each person, each family, who has experienced the tragic loss of their home, irreplaceable possessions, and especially the loss of loved ones.

We know what it’s like to lose everything you own.  In November 1996,  our home and ministry center was completely destroyed in a fire.  It was a devastating and traumatic experience. While we may have lost our possessions in the fire, thank God we did not lose our family.  And everything really did turn out alright.

There are lots of hurting people and families. People call me on the VP each week sharing their concerns with me about health problems, struggling financially, being laid off from work, marriages falling apart, concerns for their children who are not serving the Lord…and so much more.  My heart aches for these people.  I try to encourage and comfort them and assure them that everything is going to be fine.

I truly do believe this, because we serve a faithful God who never leaves us or forsakes us. We serve a God who assures us that even when things haven’t turned out like we thought, still God assures us in His word that everything is going to be alright.  It says in Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

I thank God that Jesus has the answer to every problem, every hurt, every crisis we face and no matter had bad the situation is, that we may be going through at the moment, we can be sure that “all things works for the good of those who love Him…”

I’m grateful for the privilege of serving Him by sharing with the hurting and lost, and most of all I’m grateful that I can tell people that that no matter what they’re going through, there is an Answer—His name is Jesus. Jesus IS the answer to your every need—and mine too.

In Jeremiah 29:11 it says, ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'” In other words the Lord is saying, “Everything will be alright.”

I can tell you from experience that it’s true, everything is going to be alright. “Keep looking up to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2).

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3 thoughts on “Everything is going to be Alright

  1. Hi Deborah. Thanks for writing a comment here. Just so you know, the fire was not caused by arson. The fire started from an old wire that sparked between the walls and that’s what caused the fire to start. By the time the fire engines got there the fire was already out of control and it destroyed everything. It was a sad time for us but God is faithful and He has blessed us in more ways than we can count since we’ve known Him as our Lord and Savior. The ministry has continued on for 23 years now. God is faithful! Thanks again for writing to us. Good to hear from you.

  2. wow gary I am sorry you lost u home and church that is aweful
    who ever did it will have answer to god when comes to judgement day. that why i try to be best i can be i would not want god to be upset with whatever i do i have made alot of mistakes and have learn from them. hoipe you all are doing great good bless u all

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